Monday, January 14, 2013

Stay out of my food flu!

Yeah, it's flu season, and the nearly the entire US has declared a "flu epidemic". I took the flu shot this year, yet I'm still laying in bed with a high fever. However, for those lucky ducks who haven't coughed their guts out yet, here are a few tips for staying healthy this year:

1. WASH YOUR HANDS!!! Billions of germs are on your hand right now...

2. Buy fresh produce, and wash carefully. You don't know for sure if the butcher/farmer was healthy, but you can wash the germs off of your food.

3. Stray away from raw foods like salads and, unfortunately, sushi :(

4. Drink lots of water, and not soda during your meals. It has been scientifically proven that soda decomposes calcium minerals in your stomach. You need calcium!

5. Drink drinks with a cap on it. That way, if the person next to you sneezes, only the cap gets dirty.

Good luck to you all, and let's stay healthy!

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